The Best Way to Have Multiple Good Reeds at the Same Time

with Dr. Matthew Younglove

Date Posted: October 21, 2021

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Reed Break-In and Rotation Plan

1. Open all 10 of the reeds, take them out of their wrappers. Number all of your reeds from 1-10.

2. Soak each reed in the mouth for a few seconds. Then play each reed for about 5 minutes for the next 4 days. The process takes about 60 minutes. Use this time for your warmup and scale work.

3. Rank your reeds in order from softest to hardest.

4. Take your ranked reeds and pick your 6 reeds with varying strengths. The four additional reeds can be used as backups.

5. Play on a different reed for each practice session. This makes your reeds last longer and makes you a better player.

6. Have more sound options as a musician with your reeds!

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