11 Logistical Tips for a Successful Solo Performance

by Mitchell Estrin

Date Posted: April 16, 2018

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So you've practiced for many months, chosen THE reed, and are ready to present a solo performance. This could be for state solo and ensemble, a college recital, a concerto with band or orchestra, an unaccompanied solo, or a solo with piano.

The notes are learned, and rehearsals have gone well. Now it is time to go on stage and perform. Here are some logistical tips to help you to have a great performance:

1. Dress for Success!

Performing as a soloist is a very special event, so wearing special formal attire will set the event apart from your other concerts. A professional appearance will also demonstrate to your audience that you are very serious about your performance. Select a winning outfit ahead of time. Wear comfortable shoes. Wear your performance shoes at your dress rehearsal to get used to them.

2. Nutrition is the Name of the Game

Eat sensibly and hydrate well on the day of the performance.

3. Early Bird Gets the Worm

Get to the concert venue very early. This will help you to be relaxed when you go onstage. Nothing will cause more stress than running late getting to a performance. Plan ahead for transportation and parking.

4. Warmup

Warm up at home or in your hotel room. You can do additional light warm ups before the concert.

5. Not too Much...

Don't over warm up! Save your best notes for the stage. Don’t over exert your muscles and powers of concentration before the performance.

6. Save the Party for Later

Don't socialize before the performance. Save this for AFTER the concert. Have quiet time alone to collect your thoughts and get in the zone before the performance.

7. Stay Calm

Visualize performing well and being successful! Do slow deep breathing to stay calm.

8. Stage Presence is Key

Learn how to walk onstage with a smile and with confidence. This is a learned skill and must be practiced.

9. Learn How to Bow!

Many performers look uncomfortable and/or awkward when bowing to an audience. Again, this is a skill that must be learned and practiced. Remember to bend at the waist and briefly show the audience the top of your head.

*Know when to bow. You should respond to the audience’s acknowledgement of your performance at the appropriate time(s).

10. No Pout

Never show displeasure with yourself onstage, no matter what mistakes you may have made. The audience will surely sense your displeasure more readily than any mistake you may have made.

11. Enjoy Yourself!

Performing is fun, and the culmination of many months, and even years, of hard work and dedication.

I hope these tips will help you to have a more successful experience onstage!

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