6 People You Need to Give Thanks to as a Reed Player this Holiday Season
Date Posted: November 22, 2016

2. Band Directors
For all of the music exposure, guidance, and experiences they’ve provided you, it’s no wonder how much our band directors influence us. Some of them taught you your first notes, others inspired you to choose your career path. If you haven’t mentioned what you’re doing in your music life, tell them what you’re up to.

3. Private Studio Teacher and Professors
There have been some lessons that have bolstered your confidence and others that have made you feel the hard truth of failure. Private teachers teach you more than music: they give you a new perspective on life. These are the people who you hope to sound like, play with, and make proud.

5. Music Store Owners and Suppliers
They supply you with products, accessories, and often times maintenance for your clarinet and saxophones. They’re in the shop when you need the latest contest piece, a new box of reeds, or to find a new instrument. We might take this one for granted but they’re there to make your music experience run a little bit smoother.